

The AATA are proud of the various accordionists and professors from around the world who have served as an adjudicator for the AATA Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival. They are all reputable international accordion professionals and we greatly appreciate their contribution to the AATA Competitions throughout the years. Their presence has greatly added to the prestige and quality of the AATA Competitions.

Here is a list of adjudicators the AATA have had a privilege of working with:

Danijela Rakic (Serbia)
Aleksey Peresidly (Russia)

Alison Blunden (New Zealand)

Alma Flammersberger (Bosnia/Germany)

Ann-Elise Koerntjes (Australia)

Barry Cooper (Australia)

Cathie Travers (Australia)

Cathy Day (Australia)

Christine Adams (New Zealand)

Eduardas Gabnys (Lithuania)

Elizabeth Jones (Australia)

Genady Savkov (Lithuania)

Heather Masefield (New Zealand)

Iryna Stepka (Australia)

Ivan Liashenko (Australia)

Julie Cardona (USA)

Larisa Luccia (Australia)

Li Cong (China)

Lina Chegodaev (Australia)

Lionel Reekie (New Zealand)

Lucy Voronov (Australia)

Marjan Krajna (Croatia)

Mary Tokarski (USA)

Meg Fidler (New Zealand)

Milica Krga (Australia)

Milica Vijatovic (Australia)

Miroslav Koshic (Slovakia)

Mylie Thwaites (New Zealand)

Nemanja Drazic (Serbia)

Nikolai Shcherbakov (Australia)

Pavel Managasarian (Russia)

Primoz Parovel (Slovenia)

Rebekah Greig (New Zealand)

Robin Hill (New Zealand)

Sarah Langley (New Zealand)

Stephanie Poole (New Zealand)

Victor Serghie (Australia)

Vladimir Anikin (Russia)

Vladislav Pligovka (Belarus)

Walter Kasprzyk (USA)

Wang Hong Yu (China)

Wayne Knights (New Zealand)

Xu Da Wei (China)

Zhu Jing Bai (China)

Marina Jin

Zoran Rakic (Serbia)